I finished my syllabus/curriculum. It's ambitious. Probably too ambitious but I think that's ok. From my experience with these kids, I've come to think that too little is expected of them. I want them to strive to live up to my expectations rather than me living down to theirs. They are capable of more. I believe that. That being said, I'm going to be very flexible with my teaching. If I find that they just aren't "getting" something, than we'll spend an extra week or two on it and if they are racing ahead, well, I have a lot of smaller projects up my sleeve. If you would like to see the syllabus I came up with, click
What's Next?
I'm going to get out to the different sewing machine repair places this week and see if they can do anything for me machine wise. Unless the money comes in, I'll be looking at getting used machines. Not ideal but better than nothing.
On an awesome note, my husband's Uncle used to run a upholstery shop. He's retired now and he said I can go in and take what I want from the fabric that is left over. I don't know what's left that is usable but I'm anxious to find out. That will be this upcoming weekend.
We are having a neighborhood rummage sale on July 13th and I've decided to put whatever I make from that towards this program. I keep looking around the house thinking "do I really need that?" HA! It's remarkable how much stuff we really don't need at all.
Wednesday I will be having some small posters printed up to put up around town, basically anywhere there are people who might be remotely interested in helping this program out. The poster will be the size of a sheet of paper with tabs you can tear off that will have the web address of the
indiegogo campaign. If you know of a place where I definitely need to put one, please send me a message.
More Bribery
So while cleaning out the basement I found some more bribes, not like the first one worked but hey, maybe that's because $100 is just more than what people want to give? How about a $25 bribe?
For a $25 donation you can receive one of the following:
Leaving Mississippi purse |
My Sister and I purse |
When you donate, leave a note which one you want and your address. I'll get it in the mail early next week.
How You Can Help
If you haven't donated, donate. Please. I know that money is tight but even $10 would help out a lot. The other thing is that I only have about 30 days left in my campaign and I really, REALLY, need your help to get the word out. Share my blog links on your facebook page and in all your groups. Email it to your great Aunt Mimi the quilter, who complains loudly over the behavior of young people these days. Or any other person who loves fiber or art or kids, or all three.
Lastly, remember that poster I'm having printed up this week?
Here is a link so that YOU can print it out at home and take it to your yarn/fabric shop, local coffee house, book club meeting, church, wherever. I'd very much appreciate it.